Bath 570, antique fireclay bath 570-inside.jpg

Bath 570, antique fireclay bath

Bath 563, classic antique fireclay bath. Unbadged but probably by Rufford

Bath 563, classic antique fireclay bath. Unbadged but probably by Rufford

Bath 562, classic Rufford fireclay bath

Bath 562, classic Rufford fireclay bath

Bath 561, Rufford fireclay bath

Bath 561, Rufford fireclay bath

Bath 485, single ended fireclay bath 486,-inside.jpg

Bath 485, single ended fireclay bath

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Bath 471, antique Rufford fireclay bath

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Bath 319, reclaimed fireclay bath by Rufford

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Bath 521, a double ended antique fireclay bath on bun feet with hydrant taps

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Bath 522, a shorter fireclay bath on bun feet with original taps


Bath 405, double ended fireclay bath on bun feet

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Bath 500, a single ended reclaimed fireclay bath

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Bath 488, a reclaimed single ended fireclay bath

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Bath 372, impressively large reclaimed single ended Rufford fireclay bath

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Bath 337, a large single ended fireclay bath

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Bath 438, a single ended reclaimed fireclay bath by Twyfords

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Bath 352, a single ended reclaimed fireclay bath
